I am getting tired of writing down my goals every year and never coming back to them. This year I want to focus on being intentional and setting attainable steps to achieve my goals! 2021 is in 2 days!!
Learn ASL (sign language). I know the basic manners of sign language but I love to work with special needs people, my uncle had Down’s syndrome and I love to volunteer with kids who have special needs. It would be so special to speak sign language and understand those who cannot speak.
Set aside time to practice guitar and actually learn *at least* 1 song. I picked up my dad’s old guitar near the beginning of quarantine but surprise surprise, I got lazy and never picked it up after learning the 3 chords to Free Fallin.
I would love to get back into piano also – I just taught myself Hedwig’s Theme song from Harry Potter and it was so fun haha but I’m so slow.
Keep working towards being fluent in Spanish. I keep harping on myself because I could EASILY be fluent en español but my laziness takes over. My aunt is from Cuba so her, my uncle and cousins are bilingual and they live with us so I can understand almost everything, I just get shy to practice speaking. I have literally nothing to lose too. help.
I don’t just want a hot body. I want to be hot in my mind and my soul.
– Case Kenny on his podcast New Mindset, Who Dis?
Read a book a month. I said this at the beginning of 2020 and I can tell you now, that never happened. I joined PLAY Digital‘s book club in the summer and we read a couple books together which was nice, but I got so busy with work and school and put reading on the back burner. I bought so many books and created a list on my phone so thank you for all the recommendations! I also want to read the bible in a year.
This goes together with my goal of doing a day free from technology. I was listening Kenzie Brenna’s podcast and her guest said that since her husband is jewish he does Shabbat and she likes to take a day off of technology so they call it Tech Shebat. I decided to do this myself from Saturday-Sunday night and it’s so refreshing for the eyes and to have time for chores and reading!
Do something today that your future self will thank you for.
– unknown
Set a workout routine. Again, I am my only obstacle. I am an all-or-nothing type of girl so I need to commit to a schedule or it’s not going to happen. I found these screenshots from Blogilates I had and they seem pretty doable for January. I’ll also have to recruit an accountability partner so maybe I’ll make my sisters do this with me 😉
by Blogilates
Set a morning routine in collaboration with a regular sleep schedule. My naturopathic doctor told me I need sleep to heal my skin (who doesn’t) and I started to take it seriously. I feel so much more energized after a full night’s sleep rather than wanting to take a nap everyday at 1pm. I usually like 10:30-8 because my naturopath said to be asleep by 11 so your gut can heal for the next day and your body can digest everything – so don’t eat too much before bed either. But this is my goal, so you do you girlfriend.
What are your goals?! Here are a couple templates I found so you don’t get overwhelmed creating goals.
xx Marley
My main goal is to follow a morning routine so that I start my day off accomplishing things I want to instead of wasting time on my phone. Would love to know more about what your morning routine entails!
Yes!! Honestly so helpful and part of my morning routine is NOT going on my phone for at least an hour after I wake up (after a walk and breakfast). My screen time is going down this way too which is super helpful xx
I would love to try and be off social media more, I tried for a weekend last month and loved the freedom of not being pulled into tiktok or the Instagram explore page for HOURS at 2am!
I love that Lauryn! I actually don’t have tiktok because I know I would be addicted but I feel you on the explore page haha. I went camping this summer and didn’t have service for a week. Seriously so magical.