Golden Mylk Recipe

Golden Mylk Recipe

Happy Tuesday!

The leaves are falling already and I see clouds in the sky. Happy September and welcome to warm drink weather.

I have been loving drinking Turmeric Lattes and found a mix on Amazon that was $20 for literally a couple cups and I knew I could make it at home for WAY cheaper (and way more in the jar).

Here is my recipe:

  • 3 packages of coconut milk powder
  • 2 TBSP turmeric
  • 2 TSP ground ginger
  • 1 TSP ground cardamom
  • 1/8 TSP black pepper

Mix all these dry ingredients in a bowl and store in your pantry for future use!

I store mine in a jar and lid for longer shelf life.

When I am making the latte, I put 1 TBSP in a mug with 1/2 parts hot water and 1/2 part milk- whether that’s almond, oat or coconut- and top with coconut whip cream and cinnamon!

I also like to drink it with a straw so nothing is left at the bottom of the cup because I keep stirring.

xx Marley


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