There are so many Instagram accounts and brands doing live workouts, so there really isn’t an excuse to avoid working out. Though, as time goes on, I am finding that my motivation is dropping so here are a few workouts I love and I recommend try finding a new groove!
If you don’t feel like working out, listen to your body and maybe do a stretching or lighter workout or sleep in.
I can’t say if I’ve lost any weight or not because I hardly ever weigh myself but I am so much stronger and more toned than I have been in YEARS and I have more energy and my mood is so much better after I workout.
A couple of my favourite workouts to follow are:
- Barre Room
- Reward Fitness Studio
- Madfit & her Youtube channel here
- Gloveworx
- Lauren Gores Ireland
- Natacha Oceane & her Youtube channel here
- Sarah’s Day & her Youtube channel here
- Infusion Yoga Barre Maui & specifically my friend Kela who runs a few classes a week
- I downloaded the Nike Run Club app and love to go for simple, guided runs that track my progress
Always have water on hand. Add fruit or herbs if you need to for flavour! I love a good mint, lemon water. I also like to have jars because they are easy to access and sometimes add a straw to make it easy to drink while I am sitting at my desk typing away. Water is so good for your skin, flushing waste and toxins out and sometimes when you think you’re hungry, you’re actually dehydrated and need to drink more which is helpful to your body.
outfit is from TenTree use code MARLEYJUSTUS20 for 20% off 😉
Only eat when you are actually hungry. This one is HUGE for me personally. I used to eat so much and always feel sick and bloated until I finally started to eat intuitively, listen to my body and now I hardly snack and stop eating after 8pm usually until noon the next day.
Create healthier versions of your favourite desserts. For me, I have been making lots of protein balls, sugar free cookies and vegan brownies and love it! It’s especially nice when you’re craving something sweet and don’t have to go binge every sweet or salty thing in your pantry which is what I used to do when I didn’t have baking on hand. Here is my double chocolate chip energy ball recipe I love and my favourite chocolate chip cookie recipe here.
Here is an attached template from @torontoblondie to fill out every week to keep yourself accountable and set as a reminder. I honestly cannot remember the last time I felt this strong.

I hope you all are staying healthy, sane and having a great time in isolation!
Until next Tuesday, xx Marley