Welcome back to my blog! Today I am sharing some products that have benefitted me during this self isolation period. Let me know how you are surviving in the comments below 😉
- Good smelling candles- I love Mala the Brand because they are local, eco-friendly, the scents are AMAZING and for every purchase, they plant a tree! *I even got a discount for you guys! Use code “MARLEY” at checkout*
- Face masks- my staples are always the ones from Summer Fridays but I also love this clay one from Amazon if you have active breakouts
- Tripod for your phone to take your own pictures!! I have this 50″ one from Amazon and I LOVE it. Self timer photos always turn out blurry and I hate sorting through bursts but I have been using this to take my own outfit pictures and it’s so fun.
- Fresh flowers- currently where I live, there are so many flower stands and I love picking up fresh flowers for pictures and to brighten up my room 😀
- My grandma gave me this Q&A a Day journal at the beginning of the year (which feels like forever ago!) and it’s so fun answering questions every night, plus it lasts for 5 years so I’m excited to do this as life goes on (similar to this one but mine has writing prompts).
- New skincare- I have been loving trying out new products, especially supporting local and a few I am currently using are: Vitamin C Serum from Truly Lifestyle Brand, Hunny B chapstick and not a direct skincare product but this Blue Lavender Blend from Blume is DELISH and makes great lattes.
Let me know if you want to see a post on my favourite small businesses/ local businesses to support <3
xx Marley
I literally have the same clay mask on right now! It works wonders 🙌🏼 I’ve been on the hunt for new candles so I’ll check those ones out too!
No way! I love this mask 😀 & these candles are AMAZING!! I’m trying to use more natural fragrances in my house like essential oil diffusers and these soy candles which don’t turn everything black or smell like smoke for hours after.
xx Marley