What’s in My Travel Bag ?!

What’s in My Travel Bag ?!

Having the travel bug, I’ve picked up a thing or two on what to travel with and necessities to keep in your carry on, so here goes!

I almost wish I could say I was one of those girls who had a cute, giant monogrammed duffle bag (or BEIS is the dream) but honestly that hurts my arms and I almost always pack in a backpack. It’s nicer on the shoulders and preferably one that has pockets so I can stick random things in different compartments haha.

  • Scrunchies- I stole one from my mom it’s honestly my favourite hair elastic ever. It’s thin, silky and doesn’t leave kinks in your hair (I cannot find a link 🙁 )! Also, on long flights especially, I get headaches when ponytails are too tight so usually I have my hair french braided.
  • Airpods- honestly one of the best purchases I’ve ever made and I don’t know where I would be without them. **TIP: download the app of the airline you are travelling with to watch movies in flight and have your boarding pass easily
  • Well Kept wipes- I am a bit of a germaphobe when it comes to certain things and planes are one of them. I MUST wipe down my area and my phone when travelling because I don’t even want to think about who has sat there beforehand. I also love Bath and Body Works mini hand sanitizers because they have holders that attach to bags easily.
  • Flightfūd was kind enough to send me some of their Inflight Elixir to try and you just mix it with water! Some of the benefits include enhancing hydration, preventing bloating and improving circulation and immunity. I will update you guys on my Instagram but I am excited to try it!
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  • Laptop & charging chords!! On longer flights I will bring a hardrive full of movies to watch or pictures to edit and books to read. And DO NOT forget your charging cords!
  • Skincare routine in travel sized bottles ALWAYS. Especially if you’re on a long flight and want to do your skincare on the plane- yes I am that person. I got a pack from the dollar store and love them! I put Thayers Witch Hazel in a spray bottle- it’s so refreshing after a flight.
  • I like having a cute passport cover but I want to find one with pockets to hold all my receipts and cards, and at the border they are unable to scan my passport while it’s in this so I always take it out anyways 🙁

This trip I shoved everything into a bucket purse and checked a bag so I didn’t bring a backpack which was nice to not worry about another bag. I have not been on a plane in what feels like forever and I am SO excited to be in Mexico this week!

xx Marley

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