Hey guys! I have been craving dark chocolate and being dairy-free I found a few videos on Youtube for guilt free snacks but I wanted to make a dessert that incorporated chocolate so here goes! I LOVE these and don’t feel horrible for taking in tons of sugar because there is none!

*inspired by Hot Chocolate Hits

I actually made these 3 times because the first time they were pretty thin, the second time I only made them with almonds and they weren’t as tasty, and third times a charm!


You will need:

  • a food processor
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 cup chopped almonds
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 cup pitted dates (soaked in hot water for 5 minutes if dry)
  • optional: coconut/nuts to sprinkle on top

First blend the nuts, chia seeds and cocoa powder. Once it looks like dark sand, add in your dates and it should make a paste (but not TOO sticky).

Next pour the mixture into a pan lined with parchment paper and flatten with your hands. Depending on how thick and big you want your squares, choose a pan and spread the paste throughout 🙂

I keep mine in the freezer because I like them cold but feel free to keep in the fridge and serve regularly !

If you make this, let me know what you think! Its pretty easy to add ingredients like coconut or cinnamon and substitute almonds for more walnuts and it will still taste delicious! 🙂

xo Marley